Relive the comedic genius of Red Skelton through Brian Hoffman's Remembering Red - A Tribute to Red Skelton! This family comedy show re-creates some of Red’s best-known characters, including the seagulls—Gertrude and Heathcliff. Featuring narrated pantomimes and short one-man skits Red was famous for, this heartwarming show will leave you smiling from ear to ear! Details
Experience the music of Motown-era artists like The Temptations, Smoky Robinson, Stevie Wonder, and more as live performers take the stage at the Soul of Motown tribute show! This Motown Pigeon Forge show at Grand Majestic Theater will have you Twistin' the Night Away with its inspiring talent as they rock and dance it up on stage. Details
Enjoy a blast to the past with Grand Majestic Theater’s Hit Parade Pigeon Forge! This sensational Time Warp Jukebox production showcases hits from the 50s through the 80s, featuring classic rock, rock-n-roll, disco, American pop and a special military tribute. This Pigeon Forge show doesn’t include dinner, however dine-in food and drinks are available for a fee. Details
Experience Patty Waszak’s Tribute to Reba and Other Great Female Superstars in Pigeon Forge! Enjoy a dynamic 90-minute show at the Red Skelton Tribute Theater, featuring hits from Reba McEntire, Dolly Parton, Patsy Cline, and more. Perfect for all ages, this energetic performance blends music, clean comedy, and audience interaction. Get your tickets today! Details
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